Then choose your plan and go right ahead and click the Buy Now button.
Claim your huge discount here.
- Basic Plan R2775 (a discount of 60%)
- Pro Plan R3995 (a discount of 50%) includes FREE personal coaching
Premium Plan R4995 (a discount of 33%) includes free personal coaching PLUS materials shipped to your door.
With all plans you get:
- The virtual experience of being on a real life hands-on training workshop
- Access to 12 3/4 hours of amazing videos. So learning is fun.
- Emailed mission by mission guides on how to set yourself up for maximum enjoyment of the course
- My support and interest in your progress
- Weekly live Zoom group coaching. That’s an insurance policy to ensure you get results.
- Lifetime access to the online course which means you can review when you like.
- Save yourself the agony and expense of failure!
You will use these tools to read and learn faster and remember more. For note-taking, presentation preparation, strategy sessions … EVERYTHING.
It will have huge value for you.
This is a programme about the brain – the science, and the technology of how we apply that to almost everything we do. It’s online with live online coaching. And based on a very well-received 3-day live workshop I have run in many countries.
I have been teaching how to read and learn faster for 30 years and am always fascinated by how everyone is different. But there are some things the same for anyone who has a brain. Like slow note-taking, poor memory and difficulty remembering names. Plus slow reading speed, poor comprehension … you get the picture. And almost no one learns how to learn faster at school.
So there is huge hope in these accelerated learning techniques. They help you plough through the data and info to study and up-skill. I’ve had so many people tell me they wish they had learned this stuff before school and Varsity. You’ll save two hours for every hour you study. And it’s online and quick and easy to apply.
Not only that but you get live online group coaching.
So take a look at that long sales page at the top of this page – and watch the videos in the postscript near the bottom. Some of the video testimonials come from Australia after a corporate workshop. But the contents of the course are, surprisingly, almost the same as if I was teaching undergrads. Everyone has a brain!
It’s for a global audience so priced in $. But I’m offering you a BIG reduction.
Invest 30 mins a day for a few weeks for a super upgrade to the skills we take fore-granted:
- Read faster,
- Learn faster,
- Remember more,
- Solve problems more creatively –
- Work smarter not harder.
You could get all these skills in a few days if you put your mind to it.
I will even show you how to boost your IQ by two to five points per annum.
I’m accessible for questions on WhatsApp. +27 82 8893160
Click “Buy Now” to claim your discount and pay in ZAR

TURBO-READING® SKILLS • How to treble reading speed with the same or better comprehension
POWER LEARNING® SKILLS • How to concentrate. • How to overcome procrastination. • How to gut a textbook or manual in an hour. • How to use mind mapped summaries for maximum impact. • How to save time and improve recall by optimising a review schedule.
MIND MAPPING© SKILLS • How to accelerate note-taking, planning, organising using Mind Maps • How to prepare presentations faster • How to ‘get started’ with difficult tasks.
MEMORY SKILLS • How to improve long and short term recall. • How to manage presentations for greater impact. • How to use creative recall methods and mnemonic techniques.
STRESS MANAGEMENT • Brief hints on how to reverse stress, increase energy and think more clearly using meditation, exercise and other approaches.
PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS • How to release mental blocks. • How to recognise self-imposed limitations. • How to conduct more fruitful brainstorming sessions. • Improved problem-solving and faster idea generation.