Learn to Learn

Learn to learn…

if you you want to do great things with your life.

Think about it. We were taught how to tie shoelaces as a kid – now we take it fore-granted. And is it not ridiculous that we know more about how to work a toaster – or iPad – than how to work our brain? And how do we learn quickly and effectively?

Dr Grace Saw decided to find out in Brisbane recently. Here she talks about what she discovered …

She talks about her experience learning how to do Mind Mapping and Power Learning.

Sign up for –  FREE – How To Learn 200% Faster Secrets.

I’ll mail you a free “Business Writing that Works” textbook by Sharon Pywell if you are one of the first 5 to respond

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Right now have you a book that’s been gathering dust since you bought it before getting on the plane last year?

Try this:

  1. Spend two minutes reading the dust cover and chapter contents.
  2. Take a blank pice of paper and dump everything you ever knew about the topic without looking at the book again.
  3. Grab a little post-it note pad and flick through the book for just four minutes – time it. DON’T read anything that looks interesting, but DO pause just long enough to put a post-it note on it. In other words, flag anything that looks worth returning to later.
  4. Set yourself three study objectives – things you want to achieve with the book in the next hour.
  5. Write a study plan for the next hour on a piece of paper – just list a start time, a stop time, a break time and when will you review what you gleaned in the hour.
  6. Now start your study hour. First re-read the entire book in five minutes! Superficial? Yes! but just do it.
  7. Now start all over again and read the book for the third time in the next 35 minutes. Pace yourself – this time focus on the first and last paragrapgh of each chapter – or, if the book is well-summarised – go read the summaries. Highlight about 60 keywords during this time.
  8. Now STOP after the 35 minutes. Take a break for two minutes. Then make a mind map of what you highlighted. Take just 15 minutes for this. DONT cover any new material.
  9. Finally, take five minutes to dive back into the most important lesson you gleaned in the time so far, and read it slowly. Update your mind map, and you’re done.

Try it. You’ll be amazed.

Sign up for –  FREE – How To Learn 200% Faster Secrets.

I’ll mail you a free “Business Writing that Works” textbook by Sharon Pywell if you are one of the first 5 to respond

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learn to learn